Participating Authors in Jo's Library Quilt Project
*Authors on THE COLLAGE
My name is Jo Garver. I live in Coalville, Utah, a small town in northeast Utah with a population of approximately 1400 people. Our community needed a LARGER library...we have for sometime! Our current county library is 900 sq. ft. and is housed in a city office room that we LEASE.
We needed MORE SPACE in a BUILDING of our own! We needed a children's area. Our existing children's area consists of a little table with 3 chairs.
We needed a larger study area with more computers and room to spread out reading material!
We needed two checkout stations to better serve our patrons!
In February of 2010, I began writing authors to ask them if they would participate in Jo's Library Quilt project by donating their autographs on a piece of fabric. Their responses have been BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS! 50 of the authors listed above have provided their signatures and are now incorporated into Jo's Library Quilt!
We have an extraordinary group of Authors Helping Coalville Build A Library! See recent "New Item" regarding "New" Library that we are going to help "accessorize!"
These authors have made DONATIONS to this project so now I am reaching out to others to DONATE to help raise funds for our community's county library. And to thank you for your support, you will have a opportunity to WIN the QUILT plus additional autographed masterpieces
Tess Gerristen and Alexander McCall Smith!
Sandra Dallas and Dean Koontz!
But gets even better!In addition to THE QUILT, Eileen Goudge, an author and helpful soul, suggested we “up the ante" with autographed books! So many of the generous, supportive authors who provided signatures for THE QUILT, have also provided autographed copies of their works! Many have donated two; even boxes of books!!! So with your DONATION you have a opportunity to WIN an entire AUTOGRAPHED BOOK COLLECTION for your own personal library! My mailbox has new surprises every few days! So come back often and watch the collection grow!
Your favorite book or author just may be here and you can DONATE to a great cause - a LIBRARY - for the opportunity to WIN this COLLECTION!
And Another Opportunity...
THE QUILT is complete but guess what? A few more signatures showed up in my mailbox! And there are still FABULOUS AUTHORS to write! So we have just the right "place" to "place" for these special "late arrivals" and "new arrivals" as well....the "Framed Author's Signature Collage" commonly known as THE COLLAGE. A great wall-hanging in YOUR library.
Another OPPORTUNITY to WIN and another OPPORTUNITY to say THANK YOU for your support! It's going to be a THRILLER...just like THE QUILT and the BOOK COLLECTION!
How To Donate (Drawing took place July 22nd; thank you ALL!)
YOU can DONATE ONLINEand receive entries to WIN THEQUILT,THEBOOK COLLECTION, THE COLLAGE orALL THREE! THAT’S OUR WAY OF SAYING THANK YOU FOR HELPING US RAISE FUNDS FOR OUR NEW LIBRARY THAT WE DESPERATELY NEED!!! The more you donate, the more opportunities! You'll receive an e-mail confirmation showing how many opportunities based on donation amount! AND it's your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE receipt!
If you are unable to make a donation or if you would like to be “kept in the know” of the progress of Jo’s Library Quilt, you may sign the Guest Book located at theSummit Mercantile, 16 S. Main in Coalville and you will be added to our mailing list. And as a thank you for your support & interest, you will also be included in our giveaway entry. And for those of you not comfortable with “online” DONATIONS, you can also make donations at the Summit Mercantile in Coalville (cash or check only).
The Quilt is COMPLETE!
THE Collage is COMPLETE!
The Book Collection is COMPLETE!
Search For National Platform For Drawing is COMPLETE!
Great Local Platform Picked...The Place My Dream Began...
Our Existing Library in at 10 S. Main St, Coalville, UT!
Drawing took place on July 22nd beginning at 4:00 pm.